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XTM Kids Braces / Suspenders

XTM Kids Braces / Suspenders

Regular price $39.99
Regular price Sale price $39.99
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Kids suspenders, also known as braces, are a trusty sidekick for children's ski pants which need a little help staying up, keeping them upright and secure whilst helping keep snow out. They are a more comfortable alternative to a belt, allowing a full range of movement while not impacting circulation and giving the option of wearing their pants a little oversized.

How do you put on Suspenders?

Fasten your child's suspenders to the back of their pants before putting them on. Next put on their pants, and bring the suspenders over their shoulders and straight down over their chest so that the straps fall down in 2 straight vertical lines at the front. Fasten them with the clips directly to the front waistband of the pants. Adjust them as necessary until the suspenders look even and your child is comfortable, you’ve positioned them perfectly.

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